
Dress Code

Please go to a dancewear store for the proper fit for your shoes. They will also carry leotards and tights.

We recommend  Dancewear Express on Elmgrove Road in Gates and Bailey Slipper Shop  3300 Monroe Avenue  by Marshalls  (381-2520)

Our dance studio requires the following

Pre-School Any color solid leotard, ( prefer no skirts) any color tights
Ballet    Full sole pink ballet shoes
Tap        Black or tan patent leather tap shoes.
               Please double check to make sure tap shoes are needed.

Combo Kids 1 ages 5-6 Any color solid leotard no skirts attached, any color tights
Ballet     Full sole pink ballet shoes
Tap         Black or tan patent leather tap shoes.

Combo Kids 2 and 3 ages 6-8 Any color solid leotard no skirts attached,  any color tights
Ballet     Full sole pink ballet shoes
Tap         TAN tap shoes patent leather or Capezio 3800  
                 Capezio 3800 is preferred for Kids combo 3
Jazz         Tan jazz shoes.

Level 1-2 Any color solid leotard no skirts attached, pink tights for ballet class, black or tan tights can be worn for tap and jazz.
Ballet       Split sole, pink leather ballet shoe
Tap           TAN tap shoes. Must be Capezio 3800 (Caramel) or Bloch Tap On S0302.
                  No patent leather at this level.
Tan           Jazz shoes.

Junior level (Monday night) and Level 4 Solid color leotard, no skirts attached, pink tights if one hour ballet class, dancers choice for other classes
Ballet       S
plit sole, pink leather ballet shoe
Tap           Black tap shoes Bloch Tap On is preferred.
Jazz          Tan jazz shoes.

Lyrical for all levels 
Capezio or Bloch, tan, leather half soles. Not foot undies or Baileys brand half soles.

Intermediate-Advanced Solid color leotard, pink tights for ballet class, dancers       choice for other classes
Ballet  pink leather split sole ballet shoes.
Jazz     Tan Jazz shoes
Tap      Black tap oxfords hard sole no flexible soles
Lyrical Capezio or Bloch, tan, leather half soles

Hip Hop Leggings, t shirts can be worn. Jazz shoes or approved sneakers.

Boys Dance or athletic pants, tight fitting t-shirt or athletic shirt, black ballet shoes, tie tap shoes

Additional Tips: Dance shorts can be worn and must be tight fitting, solid color with no writing.
Athletic or baggy shorts not allowed.

Solid color camisoles or slim fit t-shirts may be worn over leotards.

Clothing items must be solid no graphics or writing.

Canvas ballet and lyrical shoes can be worn for class, but a new pair must be purchased for the show.

Hair must be firmly secured in a bun or ponytail attached to the head with a clip or barrette. No ponytails. Please see the picture at the top!

Any jewelry that hangs or dangles should be removed. Post earrings are allowed. No apple watches or any watches that do anything besides tell time.